


HTML img Tag Dokkan Hanabi!


Klee is a Discord Bot that grabs important and integral Genshin Impact information such as Artifacts, Characters, Constellations and Weapon details directly from Genshin Wiki for your convenience in Discord, so you won’t have to go through the wiki or any website and wade through tons of other unnecessary information!

In addition, she is also an economy/Genshin Impact-inspired Discord RPG Bot with several features such as PvE fights, cards collection, leaderboard, gambling and more! The game doubles as both a linear progression game with both minimal and simplified interactions and units collection at the same time.

Below are a list of commands for Klee (‘k!help’ or @Klee help for a detailed category list and their commands!)

General Commands

  • invite - Gives Klee’s invite link.

Genshin Impact Commands

  • constellation - Checks the character for their constellatons and talents details.
  • character - Checks the character for their stats, level and ascension material details.
  • weapon - Checks the weapon for their stats, level and effect details.
  • artifact - Checks the artifact for their rarity and set effect details.

Adventurer’s Profile Commands

  • create - Creates an adventurer profile to enable yourself in using the game commands.
  • profile - Checks your Adventurer’s progress.
  • referral - Checks your referral status and referral code or use a referral code.
  • advhelp - Shows detailed information for Genshin Impact Discord RPG.

Adventurer’s Game Commands

  • roll - Gachas for a card unit into your collection!
  • slots - Spends your currency for a chance at winning more Mora in a slot machine.
  • blackjack - Plays Black Jack with Klee with a chance at winning more Mora.
  • flip - Flips a coin with a chance at winning more Mora.

Adventure/RPG Commands

  • upgrade - Spends currency to upgrade your adventurers’ stats.
  • boss - Fights boss that grows in both level and stats as you defeat them.
  • hunt - Alternative progression command to earn resources when you’re unable to defeat the boss!
  • daily - Gets a daily chest with a bunch of resources!
  • glb - Shows the global adventurer’s leaderboard.
  • lb - Shows the adventurer’s leaderboard in the Discord Server you’re running the command on!
  • inventory - Displays your card units’ collection that you currently have!

Fun Commands

  • hug/kiss/slap/poke/pat/bite/lick - Display anime-related gifs of the relevant action that you can use to poke around with other Discord users!

Klee is still slated for a lot of future contents and updates as we progress since she’s relatively new!